
٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠
تحول المؤتمر العلمي الصيدلاني الى مؤتمر يحضر عن بعد
بسبب ما يشهده العلم كورونا ( كوفيد- 19) في ظل الوباء قام الاتحاد العالمي للصيادلة بتحول المؤتمر العلمي الصيدلاني الى مؤتمر يحضر عن بعد , الذي سيتضمن محاضرات مبثة
مباشرة وأخرى مسجلة, ولمزيدمن المعلومات حول المؤتمر ارجو الاطلاع على المعلومات أدناه
Programme /Abstracts
The programme for PSWC 2020 in Montreal will, in large part, remain in place for the PSWC 2020 Virtual event in October 2020. The website will be updated and registration will open soon.
The authors of the abstracts that have been submitted and accepted for PSWC 2020 will be offered the possibility to
1) present their poster in our PSWC 2020 Virtual Poster Gallery, and
2) to have their abstract published in the online FIP abstract database
All authors will be informed accordingly, as soon as possible. If you wish to withdraw your abstract, please send an email to our abstract handling office at pswc@mci-group.com.
We are all aware of the significant global challenges presented by COVID-19. FIP has a duty of care to its members, volunteers and congress participants, and is in regular contact with the World Health Organization, globally and regionally. Our policy is to follow its advice, together with guidance from national states and governmental offices.
We thank you for your understanding and solidarity during these uncertain times, and we will keep you informed.